Friday, April 2, 2010

Hiya! Don't worry folks, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth, but I had two weeks of being pretty darn busy followed by this week which has been a week of being pretty darn lazy. I had a few papers due in the two weeks before Easter Break.
I had been working on one of them for the past six weeks and even though I had 2/3 of it done, it felt like there was a few grains of sand stuck in the gears and that things couldn't fall into place until I got them out. Once everything started melding together nicely I felt SO relieved. This paper was for European Society and Governance. The topic I chose out of the list of possibilities was to argue in what ways popular leisure culture posed challenges to European social order from 1918 up until the 1980's, with the option of selecting one decade and discussing it. I ended up writing about lax sexual morals, trash literature, fashion, Boy Scouts/Girl Guides of Britain versus the Hitler Youth in Germany, and also on youth opposition in Germany, akaSwingjugend or 'Swing Kids.' I focused on how these problems in both countries threatened regeneration of population, how the two youth organizations sought to counter the shift in family focus caused by new trends, and how leisure culture played a hand in rebellion/opposition. It was one of those papers that you turn in and you feel like you just handed over your kid or something. I feel VERY good about it.

My other paper was for my music and dance class. I chose to write on the tradition of séan-nos singing, which if you have never heard I highly suggest you look out for some examples and listen. Heck, I'll make it easy for you!

This song tradition is basically solo, unaccompanied, very ornamented, etc. It goes WAY beyond this little description, but it is something that is truly Irish and some of the most beautiful singing I have EVER heard.

That's about it in terms of happenings. I got a package from my parents, meaning I FINALLY got the newest Celtic Woman CD and DVD, which I have been (patiently) waiting for since they came out in JANUARY!!!! I've watched the DVD twice now and transferred the CD to my iPod the second I opened it. They also sent me Girl Scout cookies, Peeps, two little coloring books, along with a few other little things. One of the best parts of the whole box was a skirt that I forgot to bring with me when I came here. When I took it out of the box I realized that it smelled like home and I sat on the bed sniffing away happily for at least five minutes!

Even though this week is my Easter Break, I actually haven't gone anywhere like other people here who have jetted off to London, Rome, wherever, but there is a reason for that-ERIN IS COMING TO VISIT ME NEXT WEEK! Erin is a good friend from back home (she will also be my roommate next year in the French House) who is studying at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow this semester. She is coming to Limerick and bring a friend of hers (maybe two) and we are going to tour around Limerick and also go to Tipperary and visit Cashel and then we are going to Dublin over the weekend. It will be so nice to see a familiar face who also happens to be a dear friend!

Let me also say that the weather here has been insane the past few days, toeing the line of being schizophrenic. Two days ago it rained three times, snowed twice, and sleet fell twice with two patches of sunshine in between...all in a span of four hours. And we all thought that South Carolina had indecisive weather!

And here are a few snapshots to tide you guys over (don't worry-I'll have PLENTY after next weekend!)

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